Version 2.0: Latency Adjustment

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Version 2.0 of McLaren Lab’s rtpmidi improves the timing capabilities of the software and optimizes memory usage.

Our most notable new feature is the ability to adjust the playing time of received notes by adjusting latency. Users will notice a new column in the list of participants called “latency adjust.” The entry field is editable and you can type in a number (in milliseconds) to adjust latency of received notes.

Figure 1: Entering a value of 100 mS in the Latency Adjustment field

The figure above shows the latency field highlighted and we have entered a value of 100.

This article describes the background of the latency adjustment feature and how it can improve your musical experience.

Flight Time

The figure below shows four notes being sent from a Sender MIDI instrument to a Receiver MIDI instrument. The flight time is the time it takes for the note information to be sent from the Sender to the Receiver.

Figure 2: Flight Time from a Sender to a Receiver MIDI application

Depending on the network and its characteristics, flight time might be so small it is not noticeable, or large and variable enough that you can “hear” or “feel” it. On a dedicated Ethernet network using RTP-MIDI, the flight time is usually small and uniform. On a WiFi network using RTP-MIDI the flight time can be large and variable.

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Announcing: Refined Event Timing

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McLaren Labs’ rtpmidi software has been around for a few years now. It reliably sends and receives MIDI events and properly implements error correction. The software is robust and has been used in very many different environments by an enormous number of users.

But, we knew there were some limitations around scheduled note timing, and we resolved to get to the bottom of it.

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Install McLaren Labs’ rtpmidi on Chromebook Linux Bookworm

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Our port of rtpmidi to Debian 12 (Bookworm) installs effortlessly in the Chromebook Linux subsystem. Why would you want to do this? The reason is to get MIDI events from external devices into the Linux subsystem of your Chromebook.

McLaren Lab’s rtpmidi installed in Chromebook LInux

Currently, when you plug a MIDI device into the USB of your Chromebook, it is not passed through to the Linux subsystem. By using rtpmidi you can send MIDI events from a device connected to another computer into the Linux subsystem of your Chromebook.

When used with a wired Ethernet connection (avoiding WiFi) the latency of such a set-up can rival a direct connection.

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The Joys of Cocoa (in 2024)

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The McLaren Synth Kit presents audio synthesis as the construction of a graph of audio operators (voices) with the parameters of each type of operator determined by an associated model. Voices define the code that is run in the audio thread and models hold the values that are read from the audio thread. This separation allows the audio thread code to be ensured that maniplations on the models do not block. With models safely out of the audio loop, UI interactions with model properties is straightforward and can use Cocoa idioms for manipulating property values.

At least that was the intent. The McLaren Synth Kit was released without associated GUI controls, but we believed it would be straightforward to define controls for the various models.

But we had never fully defined a Cocoa-based application that rested on the Synth Kit. We finally put it all together in our newly released application called “Synth80”.

Synth80 is a two-oscillator multi-timbral polyphonic synthesizer. This application pulls together the following features.

  • Cocoa bindings for linking Controllers to McLaren Synth Kit Models
  • Document-based application for saving and restoring presets
  • Undo/Redo facility
  • Single Document Interface document-based application for the singleton Synthesizer window

This article summarizes some of the things we learned about using Cocoa this way while developing Synth80.

Focus on Data Structures

We found that we were able to focus on modeling data more than building GUI elements. The models for our synthesizer elements (envelopes, oscillators, filters, etc) were designed first, with controls added later.

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LXD/rtpmidi – running McLaren Labs rtpmidi in a container

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Container technology can be used for many things. It can be used for isolation, security, portability or resource management. One popular use of containers is to run a binary for one operating system on another operating system. We wondered if Linux lxc/lxd container technology would allow us to run the binary of rtpmidi for Ubuntu 22.04 on a Debian 12 system. We succeeded eventually.

This post outlines how we reached success. It is not necessarily a recommendation to follow this path. There are a lot of steps, and they can be confusing. But we are going to write down what we learned anyway.

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Musical Pattern Generation with the McLaren Synth Kit

The McLaren Synth Kit (at is an Objective-C toolkit for building projects that simplify working with MIDI and sound synthesis on Linux. We open-sourced it last year and have been refining it with new features and capabilities.

Our latest features are the Metronome and a Pattern generation little-language. The Metronome hooks into to the ALSA MIDI system to provide a MIDI-clock timebase. It counts out beats and measures. The Pattern facility further abstracts the Metronome to longer sequences of events that repeat and can nest.

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9Front and Audio on Raspberry Pi4

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Last week I read about a new release of a fork of the Plan9 Operating System from the 9Front crew. The release is called “Human Biologics” and the new feature list was intriguing. There was now default support for git, and ssh, and some improvements to audio were included.

  • audio(1) – mp3, ogg, flac, ulaw, wav

I had heard about Plan9 on an off for years. I wondered what sorts of audio and MIDI support might be in this OS, so I gave it a ride. What follows is a short account of some things I learned.

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Chromebook, Crostini Linux and MIDI

A few weeks ago I picked up an inexpensive Chromebook. I’m typing this on it now, in fact. This was my first experience with Chromebook, and my first experience thinking about porting McLaren Labs’ tools onto a Chromebook. At first, I was thinking about wiping ChromeOS and putting Debian11 directly on it. But then I learned about native Linux support on Chrome in a VM.

Chromebook Linux

Crostini is the name given to the Linux-on-Chromebook virtual machine support. To enable it on my chromebook, I needed to open chrome://flags and enable Linux. Then I rebooted, and in Settings>>Advanced there was a new section called “Linux”. Voila.

Applications that need the Linux environment cause the Linux VM to start. One application is “Terminal” in the main applications menu. Start it up, and there is a full Debian 11 environment there. You can use “apt-get” and install whatever you desire.

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